Below are some link building tips which you could use as a resources in making a link building plan.
Tip 1: proper keyword research study
Targeting the right keywords is an integral part. Imagine domain sites pointing to a new keyword research and 120K with 1000 competing sites.
If you study more than 10 sites to qualify for the keyword, you will learn many things. These are all the things discussed in the strengthening of links 2 and 3.
Tip 2: Learn the Domain Authority
The authority is not limited to domain link popularity, service providers say. "Popularity" to the spiders of search engines is the result of many components. These factors include: (1) The age of the domain, (2) connection to diversity, (3) reverse and on-site content relevance, (4), reputation or credibility, and (5) is l ', link building traffic, as some experts have said. Now, as the new domain of high-ranking sites for their target keywords, especially as it is the custom link building package?
Some say you can optimized for high-level on one key area. For example, the key target = "Mobile phones". One key area will be optimized,. Net
The new field will say PR0, of course, 0 no traffic and backlinks - "voice" as described by service providers to link popularity. After reviewing the competitiveness of keyword targeted "latest mobile phones," we learn that he has 317K competing sites.
Venues on the first hand, the results of 3 years of areas that get 1,000 spectators per day with Google PR3 backlinks and 2000 on average. What is also interesting links anchored with "Mobile phones" on Google PR6 three years old pages (with an average of 500 backlinks) pointing to websites with keyword-optimized domains are far from being the second page of results .
What does this tell us? According to the information above, this means that the Google PR and the domain name is the priority, at least, the age of the domain and the inverse number as the diversity of others, then most of the contents of any meaning , and a direct result of the contents of the importance of daily traffic = the first. However, do not forget this: 317K sites compete for the keyword destination, which means that things may change in order of importance, more or less competitive. One way to find out though: The test is a test, but first read the tips = link building, 3 and 4
Tip 3: Study Competition
At this point, you know that a custom package of link building: (1) to target the right keywords, and (2) to consider the authority domain. Now take these two and what do you have? Yes: The objective of competitiveness of the keywords.
As described in the last paragraph of 3 - to know that the competitor volume for specific keywords can affect the priorities of the search engines rank sites, some service providers link popularity does not compete with the value higher than other factors possibly considered by search engines.
While this may be true, the above data indicate that: most likely factors for the search engines for sites ranked percentages are given different priorities as a change in the amount of competition. There is no way of knowing, but for testing and benchmarking, as most experts say that the strengthening of ties, but what he has learned Recommended link building 1 to 3 can be improved even more advanced reading 4 .
Tip 4: Study how new sites can be indexed quickly and easily
Indexing is very important, especially for domain sites. Make your site easy to index robots of search engines. Provide updated information on their sites. Provide relevant content to your backlinks popular sites relevant to your niche. All are components of a package custom link building.
How can search engine spiders index a site easily? Screen readers and other accessibility tools are applications that can offer web browsing capabilities for people with disabilities. Imagine using a screen reader to navigate a web site because you can not see. Software to read to you.
This means that both are software = search engine robots and screen readers. The difference lies in the purpose of each application.
The most important similarity, however, is as follows: Sites developed with accessibility in mind people using these tools provide an easy to navigate the platform for these applications. This means to make Web sites available for these applications and make the day much easier for the robot, which in turn will make browsing easier and a lot of importance to all. Again, this may be the reason why link building expert to tell the others to the site navigable. After all the sites available to users with disabilities such tools offer great convenience for them. For example, if a person does not see the site can easily navigate through it, so it would be simpler and easier for people with sight, is not it?
By addressing the difference however, between the purpose of search engine robots and software available, this leads to: site title, description, site map, meta information and the richness of the media. This means learning how to optimize these aspects of your sites to search engine robots will be easier to index and crawl through your websites.
With these link building tips, you can develop your plan to strengthen ties, in particular, a measure that can give you the best financial results. Enjoy!